Friday, March 9, 2012

Double Byte Character Problem

I am storing text in sql server 2000. DataType for the field is ntext. I am
storing a string which has characters both in english and in Japanese. If the
number of characters in string are upto 4000 then every thing works fine. If
I retrieve the data it shows me exactly the string which I stored. But the
moment chracters exceed 4000(even 4001) the japanese characters are converted
to question mark("?") . Collation for the database is
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_Cl_AS. Please help me.
Thank you.
Junaid Rehman
Are you observing this behavior from Query Analyzer or your application
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"rehmanjr" <> wrote in message
>I am storing text in sql server 2000. DataType for the field is ntext. I am
> storing a string which has characters both in english and in Japanese. If
> the
> number of characters in string are upto 4000 then every thing works fine.
> If
> I retrieve the data it shows me exactly the string which I stored. But the
> moment chracters exceed 4000(even 4001) the japanese characters are
> converted
> to question mark("?") . Collation for the database is
> SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_Cl_AS. Please help me.
> Thank you.
> Junaid Rehman
|||I made a simple page in which has two textboxes and a submit button. I
enter the text in first textbox and when I submit the form data is inserted
into database. When the characters entered in textbox are less then 4000 the
data which is inserted in database has japanese characters represented as
small boxes. Then I retrieve the the data stored in database in 2nd textbox
and it appears fine. But when characters entered in first textbox exceed 4000
the data which is inserted into database has japanese characters converted to
question mark("?") instead of those small boxes (which were there earlier
when characters were less then 4000). When I retrieve this text in 2nd box it
shows question marks instead of Japanese characters. I explained it in bit
detail so that you know what I am exactly doing.
Junaid Rehman
"Dan Guzman" wrote:

> Are you observing this behavior from Query Analyzer or your application
> program?
> --
> Hope this helps.
> Dan Guzman
> SQL Server MVP
> "rehmanjr" <> wrote in message
|||Below is a code snippet that properly stores unicode values as described in
your narrative. Also, I used a font that properly rendered the unicode
characters. You might check this against your code. If you still have
problems, please post your code.
Dim mySqlConnection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim mySqlCommand As New SqlCommand
mySqlCommand.Connection = mySqlConnection
'create test table
mySqlCommand.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE #MyTable(MyData ntext)"
'create unicode value from form
mySqlCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO #MyTable VALUES(@.MyData)"
Dim myDataParamter As New SqlParameter("@.MyData", SqlDbType.NText)
myDataParamter.Value = Me.TextBox1.Text
'retrieve inserted value
mySqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MyData FROM #MyTable"
Dim SqlDataReader As SqlDataReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader
Me.TextBox2.Text = SqlDataReader.GetString(0)
mySqlCommand.CommandText = "DROP TABLE #MyTable"
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"rehmanjr" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
>I made a simple page in which has two textboxes and a submit button.
> enter the text in first textbox and when I submit the form data is
> inserted
> into database. When the characters entered in textbox are less then 4000
> the
> data which is inserted in database has japanese characters represented as
> small boxes. Then I retrieve the the data stored in database in 2nd
> textbox
> and it appears fine. But when characters entered in first textbox exceed
> 4000
> the data which is inserted into database has japanese characters converted
> to
> question mark("?") instead of those small boxes (which were there earlier
> when characters were less then 4000). When I retrieve this text in 2nd box
> it
> shows question marks instead of Japanese characters. I explained it in bit
> detail so that you know what I am exactly doing.
> Junaid Rehman
> "Dan Guzman" wrote:

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