Friday, February 24, 2012

Domain groups in SQL Clustering...

Hi there,
My customer is currently setting up a two node cluster. Since they are
planning to use the same domain account to start all services, they are
wondering if it’s OK to use only one domain group during setup.
If they are using just one service account, are there any specific reasons
to use three different domain groups for a SQL Cluster setup?
Is there any documentation available that analyzes this subject in SQL
Clustering I can refer them to?
I think I found the article I was looking for.
Thanks anyway!
"Camilo" wrote:

> Hi there,
> My customer is currently setting up a two node cluster. Since they are
> planning to use the same domain account to start all services, they are
> wondering if it’s OK to use only one domain group during setup.
> If they are using just one service account, are there any specific reasons
> to use three different domain groups for a SQL Cluster setup?
> Is there any documentation available that analyzes this subject in SQL
> Clustering I can refer them to?
> Thanks!
> Camilo

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